Drive in racking system- The need

Large industrial and manufacturing sectors have products that need to be stored in a proper manner. They need proper storage racks that can store the products conveniently and also gives the flexibility for easy removal of the goods. In such case, racks are to be manufactured such that the products can be pushed to the depth of the racks and retrieved conveniently from the other end. The Drive in Racking System for the pallet racks has rails running until the end of the racks and hence the Drive –in Racking, manufacturers helps in transferring the product to the end of the rack.
Drive in Racking System

Drive in racking system- The Features

For easy retrieval of products, the Drive in Racking System ensures that the products are retrieved from the other end. Forklifts are used to store and lift the products from either end. The Drive in Racking System helps in easy maintenance of inventory management. This has provided the convenience of easy maintenance of the stock stored and retrieved.  The Drive in Racking System has racks that are made from good quality steel that is procured from Tata and Jindal steel.

It is the quality that speaks volumes of its durability and reliability.  In the drive in racking system there is a very little leeway so that the drivers must be careful while storing and placing the products, although these racking systems are made from good quality materials, they show great resistance to wear and tear. The drive-in racking system by Metal storage solution is an ISO-9001-2008 certified company, which assures its customer on quality, they always ensure to undergo a stringent quality check before they are delivered to their customers. Metal storage solutions have provided well after sales and hence are considered one of the best suppliers of storage racks

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